Top Business Profitability Calculator

Accurate Profit Margin Analysis and Comprehensive Financial Projections for Startups and Established Businesses.

Monthly Revenue: $0 Weekly Revenue: $0 Gross Margin: 0% Net Margin: 0% Break-Even: N/A m Chart ↓

Basic Inputs


Enter your base revenue numbers here. The Average Order Value (AOV) and Average Orders per Month determine your core sales revenue.

Essential Expenses

These are the critical expenses that directly impact your operations. Choose a frequency: one‑time, weekly, or monthly.

One-Time Startup Costs

These costs are incurred only once when launching your business and are deducted from your cash flow in the first month.

Fixed Expenses (Recurring Monthly)

Fixed expenses occur every month regardless of sales. Examples include rent, utilities, and salaries.

Variable Expenses (Per Order)

These costs vary with your sales volume and are incurred for each order, such as shipping or payment processing fees.

Loan / Payment Plan Repayments

Enter your known monthly payment and the term (in months) over which you repay the loan or payment plan. These repayments will reduce your cash flow during the term.

Marketing Campaigns

For each marketing campaign, enter the channel name, monthly spend, and ROAS (Return on Advertising Spend).
How ROAS Works: Enter ROAS as a multiplier. For example, entering 3 means you earn $3 for every $1 spent (a net gain of $2 per dollar).
The net contribution is calculated as: Monthly Spend × (ROAS – 1), and this amount is added to your revenue.

Cash Flow Projection (Next 5 Years)

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